March 12: Health care system capacity

The graph below has been around, but I want to put it up again, because it really explains well the most important issue we are dealing with, and that is the capacity of our medical system. I have posted about the problem of grasping the effect of exponential growth and I have posted how that has already affected Italy, and I how we expect the same to happen here. The question I want address now is: when does the exponential growth stop and how? The growth stops when there are no more bodies left that can be infected. That can be because most people have already been infected and have acquired immunity or new possible "hosts" have become unreachable (possibly because they are staying home...or 6 feet away from infected folks). This "flattens" the curve, and, as the virus runs out of new hosts the curve goes back down. So where are we on the curve? We are on the left bottom side and we have a choice. Without adequate measure we'll go up the red cur...