March 11: What's happening in Italy

From the Italian Ministry of Health: here are the numbers from Italy as of today starting on Feb 22 (that's only 3 weeks ago)...
Deceduti = dead
Guariti/Dimessi = recovered
Attualmente positivi = tested positive
The chart starts with about 15 case in Northern Italy on Feb 22.
This is the kind of "mathematics" I've been talking about (numbers doubling every few days). They started testing folks by the thousands immediately to know exactly what was going on... (how much testing has been done here?).
There was only ONE case in the town of Codogno on Feb 21 and on Feb 23 they quarantined the whole town. How many cases do we already have in the Bay Area and what has been done?
ONE PIECE OF GOOD NEWS FROM ITALY in the town of Codogno, the first one to be quarantined, there were NO NEW CASES yesterday for the first time. That means that drastic measures eventually work.
Please stay home if you can, or practice "social distancing" if you absolutely need to go out.
My motto: If it doesn't feel like "too much" .... it's not enough...!


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