March 17: Reaching the "peak" - real data
An update to my previous post. First of all the information comes from
the reputable Italian newspaper "Il Sole 24-ore". They get their data
from gov sources. I did not find an updated "model" but I did find the
actual data, which shows the model to be reasonably accurate (same say
peak on 3/23 instead of 3/18... but...). Note this is a peak of NEW
DAILY CASES. This means that the number of infected will continue to
increase until the end of the tail of the curve. At that point
we'll not be out of the woods. There will still be the very large
number of infected cases, with many occupying hospital beds and ICUs now
being prepped in exposition halls and wherever they find space. That
number will slowly decrease as people recover or die. The good news is
that we will know that the prevention measures (quarantines, distancing
etc.) did work! Again, the effect of any measures shows up weeks later.
If you find out that they did not work you lost weeks... which is why
"overkill" is good
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